Gucci and the hospital happenings
04 October 2018
You know when you have a home away from home? Or a second home with a friend or family? That’s what the hospital in Leiden felt like for me for the past 3 years. Every time I walked in I wanted to yell: “Honey, I’m home!” You could find me there like every month. I must say that I really like this hospital. They have a bookstore, a restaurant, some other shops and a couple of 100 metres from the hospital is the train station with a Starbucks, an grocery store (I love to do groceries), Vila, Hema, Sissy boy and some more. It sounds as if I’m trying to sell you this hospital like a real estate agent hahaha ;).
Besides the fact that they always help me really well and they always take my complaints seriously (plus the shops of course) I never did mind to travel almost 2,5 hours to go to the hospital. Yes it’s a trip around the world, but I don’t mind travelling that much. It’s a way to force myself to rest. Read a book, listen to music or just stare out of the window and let my mind wonder. So I don’t really mind.
I noticed that I got so used to the hospital in Leiden and the good help I get there that that hospital is the Gucci of the hospitals is for me. I had to go to the hospital not far from where I live for a minor procedure, but I’d rather go to the hospital in Leiden. I know I know, I’m spoiled with Gucci. I’m glad I go to that hospital in Leiden for all my Lupus shit though. My Gucci.
As you all know I have ADHD and my head is thinking nonstop what leads to funny thoughts I have. What happens a lot too is that doctors, nurses or whoever say things to me that I wanted to write down and share with you. So here are some ‘hospital happenings’.
Ik moest hier zo hard om lachen. Ik ben bij de afdeling hartziekten voor een echo van mijn hart. Op gegeven moment zegt de arts dat ik een soort van moet snuiven, zodat ze iets iets beter kunnen zien bij mijn hart, geloof ik. Dus ik snuif (lucht he, jongons, lucht) en de arts zegt: ja perfect! Ik merk dat ik een glimlach op mijn gezicht heb en denk bij mezelf: jep… ik deed het perfect *hair whip*! This made me laugh so hard. I’m at the department of heart disease for an echocardiogram. At one point the doctor says I need to sniff hard so that they can see something a little bit better. So I sniff (air guys, it was air) and then the doctor said: yes perfect! I noticed a grin forming on my face while I was thinking: jep… I did that perfectly. *hair whip*!
So I went to the GP post in the weekend once. When it was my time to go in, the doctor introduced himself. It was a cute young doctor for a change. I told him my complaints (my intestines were hurting so bad, I thought I was dying) and he told me to lie down and we’ll have a look. He read my files so he knows I have lupus. As I’m lying down he asks me what I do for a living and I said: “unfortunately nothing.” Upon which he said: “Oh so you’re happily enjoying your lupus.” I look at my mom and we burst out in laughter. “Yes… that’s surely one way to look at it.” I tell him. Eventually he tells me I probably have an irritable bowel or something, at least nothing serious. As we get up to go I look at the doctor and say: “Well I’m going home then and happily enjoy my lupus.” We laugh again at my comment. As we gave the doctor a hand and start to walk away I tell my mom I can use this comment for my blog about funny comments and stuff by doctors. “Oh you have a blog? What’s the name of your blog?” I tell the name of my blog and he writes it down and asks me to not mention his name though. I said I wouldn’t and besides that I didn’t even remember his name. So this kind of stuff happens to me. What do you do in your daily life Alcin? Enjoying the Lupus. Doc if you read this: GREAT comment!
I’m in conversation with my psychologist and when you do you talk about serious stuff. All of a sudden I catch her letting herself go. I don’t know what we were talking about, but normally someone would say: “in some situations you think oh that bothers me.” But she said: “in some situations you think oh jesus!” And yes my big grin appeared upon my face. I love it when people show there true self :D.
I had to do a test with the psychologist to see if I had ADHD. I answered all the questions and I was waiting for the results. It felt like I was waiting for my final exam results. And when she finally told me that I passed, as in you have ADHD, I was kind of happy… sort of.
Recently a doctor in the hospital asked me: “Do you exercise a lot?” Like I have an athletic body. I looked at him surprised and then fell of my chair, because I laughed so hard. That last part was only in my mind of course. So I answered: “No.” Meanwhile I was still on the floor (in my head).., next to my chair.., laughing my ass off.
Because of lupus I am way more likely to get other viruses and stuff and I have a list of symptoms which will become worse or even caused by lupus. A while ago I was at the doctor and he did a test where he discovered something small about my body and he almost immediately said: “No worries, it’s nothing serious. It’s not a disease.” It made me laugh and I said: “Oh good, I can’t deal with anything else physically.” Like I think that every little thing is caused by lupus. It’s not (but sadly most of the times it is).
I think it’s so funny how some doctors can be so casual about conditions. “oh yeah you have an irritable bowel.” or “you have a little anaemia.” These aren’t real serious conditions, but still pretty tiring. And the fact that they can be so extremely casual about it makes me laugh sometimes.
Somehow I bring out the ‘curse’ words in doctors and others. I don’t know what my aura does to people. “yeah that’s kind of shit now isn’t it.” or “Goddamn it.” These moments make me sit back surprised, but with smirk looking at the doctors. What am I doing to them..?
So that were the ones I could remember and wrote down. There probably have been many more moments like this, but I have the biggest illusion of remembering things and that I will write it down later. One minute later.. I’m like an idiot looking in every corner and hole of my brain to find that what I swear would remember. Not. It just dissolved mysteriously into nothing. THANK YOU BRAINFOG!
This blog is short for real this time. With my latest blog I ‘lied’ about it. Not on purpose though, because I was truly convinced it wouldn’t be a long one… uhm. It may have been even longer than my other blogs :D. This blog was more casual what is good at times too. My next blog will be more heavy guys, don’t worry. The drama is on its way :).
As usual I want to thank you for reading my blog and I do mean that! I get more reactions every time and people telling me how nice it is to read things they recognize and knowing you’re not alone. And of course.. I am really funny (read this in all seriousness). I’m really happy I can mean something for people, that gives me a good feeling. So when I say feel free to send me a message, I mean it. You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook and you can leave a reaction here under my blog.
Love, Alcin