
22 September 2019


Hi guys ... I’m baaaahack ! Kind of though.. How are you doing? Let me start by saying I’m not going to blog every first of the month or end of the month, I can’t remember what it was and I’m to lazy to look it up. Just so you’ll know.. I will write when I have the inspiration and share it with you.


It’s been a while... I think I lost my mojo for a few months plus I had some issues with the company of my domain name.. That last one is all fixed though. I don’t know if I really have my writing fairy back, but it feels good to write again.

So what have I been up to the last months? Well I’ve been feeling good. You fellow spoonies know what I mean with good right? I’m not running a marathon and working again, BUT I started working out in the gym again (yay!!), I don’t feel like I have to climb the Mt. Everest everytime I have to do groceries, I have less bad days and my mental health is way WAY better than a year ago or even months ago. It feels like I can see my future again and that feels really really good.

I even started my own thing called Blue Cherry. I paint personalized zodiac cards, started selling my poems (or ik trying too, didn’t sell one up till now lol) and doing a little bit of work on request. That’s it in a nutshell and that’s it for now. I’m glad that I feel like sharing again 🤗.

Love, Alcin

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